Crisis First Aid

Medical Preparedness Training

In response to the October 7th attack, Shai Fund has swiftly taken action, delivering vital aid and launching an essential Crisis First Aid training program aimed at preparing civilians and volunteers in conflict-prone areas to respond effectively in medical emergencies. This initiative addresses a critical need for medical preparedness, particularly in regions where healthcare systems may become overwhelmed during a crisis.


This project is designed to equip civilians and volunteers with life-saving skills in situations where immediate medical care is unavailable. With 90% of casualties in war zones occurring before reaching medical treatment, it is crucial that civilians understand the risks of mortality following an injury and are trained to provide critical first aid. The 2-day Crisis First Aid course introduces key elements of emergency medicine, first responder skills, and technical training for extended-care settings. This is part of a more comprehensive training program that enables volunteers to sustain life until professional care is available.

Program Achievements to Date

We have successfully conducted two training sessions, training 18 participants in Galilee** and 33 participants in Jerusalem. These individuals are now equipped with the essential skills needed to act quickly during the critical golden hour following an injury, where timely intervention can mean the difference between life and death. The response to these sessions has been overwhelmingly positive, reinforcing the need for this program.

Phase I Goals

1. Train and certify 30 participants from another five communities in Israel before the end of the year 2024.
2. Train the trainers: four Hebrew, Arabic and English-speaking local Israelis have been trained and certified as instructors with SOLO, an internationally recognized emergency response organization. These trainees will assist in instructing five additional courses under the supervision of licensed SOLO trainers, gaining hands-on experience.

Course Details

The course covers critical skills, including:

- Patient Assessment System
- Trauma Emergencies (e.g., haemorrhaging, ballistic injuries)
- Musculoskeletal Injuries (e.g., spinal care)
- Environmental and Medical Emergencies
- CPR & AED (adult/child/infant)
- Triage and Mass Casualty Management
- Body Movement and Scenario-based practical skills

Phase II: Scaling the Program

Upon completion, the newly certified SOLO trainers in Israel will be equipped to deliver the 20-hour course in Hebrew, English, and Arabic, ensuring that the training becomes locally driven and responsive to the unique challenges of Israel's ever-changing security landscape. To support these trainers, Shai Fund will provide medical kits for their first two training sessions, allowing them to immediately begin delivering these essential skills to local communities. We anticipate each of the four certified trainers will be able to train 30 people, potentially reaching an additional 120 participants.

Addressing a National Need

A recent report, *Fire and Blood*, highlights the unpreparedness of Israel's home front in the event of an all-out war with Hezbollah, predicting significant casualties, public panic, and overwhelmed medical services. The report stresses the need to mobilize civilian society, creating volunteer emergency units and educating the public. Shai Fund’s training program directly fills this gap, empowering individuals to shift from a mindset of fear and victimhood to one of survival and preparedness.

By providing civilians with critical medical training, Shai Fund is building resilience in communities, enabling individuals to respond confidently in the face of crisis and contribute to saving lives during emergencies. This project strengthens Israel's civil society, preparing it for the unique challenges posed by conflict and disaster.

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